A Letter To My Future Self
A reminder of what I'm doing and why I'm doing it.
Forget about your hopes and dreams.
It will only make you sad by not knowing what they are and by how far away you are from achieving them. Focus on putting yourself in a position to have the luxury of figuring out what your hopes & dreams actually are.
A Jason that is lost & alone.
My (placeholder) “why” is to earn passive-income. Specifically, to earn money that is not linked to how much time I work. This money can come from any asset that I own and is not just limited to software products that I build. These assets can be stocks, property, bitcoin, etc..
Earning passive income from stocks/property/bitcoin is very long term (30 years +) and I have no control over how fast that happens. What I do have control over is my ability to make things that make money. I can choose the products I build. I can choose the markets I serve. I can choose the number of customers I talk to. This means I can affect my passive-income earning power in a more tangible way.
What do I tell myself when I feel sad about not achieving my dreams yet?
Let’s earn that passive-income first, buddy! You have work on Monday.
What!? You want to figure out your life’s purpose within a single weekend? pffft
Give yourself the space to explore your life’s purpose – you need to free up your time to do that. Any purpose/dream you end up discovering will be better off with the power of passive-income anyway.
Instead of being excited about the end goal, you need to be excited about the next step. Don’t fall in the trap of comparing your current position with that of your mentor’s current position. Compare yourself to them to a time when they were in your position. What was their next step? Do that.
- I want to be a person capable of earning passive-income.
- I want to be a person gritty enough to keep going when the world says no.
- I want to be a person that keeps getting back up.
That person has the character to achieve their hopes & dreams. Become that person.
A Jason that is confident about the future.
Past Jason